Introduction: How to Shutdown Your Computer Using a Cool Desktop Icon (Windows Vista)

In this Instructable I will show you how to shutdown your windows vista computer using a cool desktop icon.

Step 1: Right Click and Go To: New > Shortcut

Right click on your desktop select NEW > SHORTCUT

Step 2: Location

All that you need to type in the location for windows vista is: shutdown.exe \p

Click Next

Step 3: Name of Shutdown Command

You can really name the shortcut anything you want. the default is shutdown. I made mine:WARNING Do NOT click on this. It will shutdown 100's of circuts in your computer HAHAHAHAHAHA. But you can name yours anything you want.

Click Finish

Step 4: Instructable Complete!!!!!

You are now done!!! You Should see a new icon on your desktop that when you double click on, will shutdown your computer.