Introduction: How to Take in a Shirt

So your shirt is too big? flowing around you like the Nile?

In this instructable I will show you how to take it a shirt, in other words, make it smaller.

Step 1: Step 1: Materials

things you will need:

-cloth tape

-needle and thread -OR- sewing machine



Step 2: Step 2: Measuring

you will need to measure the shirt-ee for fit -OR- you can just wing it, and take in an inch or so at a time.

measure in a few places, to get an idea of the size you want.

VERY IMPORTANT: turn the shirt inside-out.

write down the measurements;
say, waist:32 belly:28 bust:30.
now take each of these numbers and divide by 2.
so, waist:16 belly:14 bust:15.
now measure those out on the shirt, and mark with your sharpie.

Step 3: Step 3: Sewing

sew along your sharpie marks

Step 4: Step 4: Cutting

now cut along the outside of your stitching.

Step 5: Step 5: Finish

congrats on your now-smaller shirt.