Introduction: How to Wrap a Small Gift Uniquely

About: My favourite things in the world are inventing things, writing songs, sleeping, self improvement, and trying new things! I love because it's like a playground for my kind of people. :)

Ok, so every time I give someone a book for Christmas or a birthday, it's always obvious that that's what I'm getting them, straight away, from the wrapping paper. It's shaped like a book, it feels like a book, it's as heavy as a book, and it bends like a book. What else could it be? 

So this year, for that certain someone who loves books, I'm getting her.... a book... well not really. I hid the REAL gift INSIDE the book. She thinks she's getting a book for Christmas... but really she's getting... Well, something else.

So this is the indestructible to show a simple way of surprising people for Christmas; with a different kind of wrapping paper.

Step 1: Materials

- SHARP Knife
- Cheap Book
- White Glue
- A plastic bag
- Paint Brush (Optional)

Step 2: Choosing a Book

Step 3: Gluing the Book

Step 4: Setting, and Waiting

Scotch tape dispenser

Step 5: BEGIN the Cutting...............

Once it's done drying, find an exacto knife, and a pencil.

Step 6: Cut Out Cover

Step 7: Wrap Up the Book

Homemade Holidays Contest

Participated in the
Homemade Holidays Contest