Introduction: Implementation of Intelligent Polling System Using GSM Mobile

GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) is the most widely used mobile networking standard, which ensures the information transmission so real time, security and reliable that realizes the long distance control. In this project, an electronic voting scheme using GSM mobile technology is presented. By integrating an electronic voting scheme with the GSM infrastructure, we can vote from our home by sending a SMS in a particular format from our mobile. The voter readily gets to know the status of his vote as he receives an appropriate acknowledgement message for every message he sends. This mechanism provides enhanced voter authentication and mobility while maintaining voter privacy. The objective of this project is to avoid the queue in voting time. Voting machines provide easy access to cast the vote by using mobile phone. Thus such an SMS based voting system so developed can be used for conducting any sort of opinion polls.Using SMS based voting system we can vote from our home just by sending a SMS in a particular format from our mobile .The entire voters will be provided with a unique password and identification number. The voting system receive this message and MICROCONTROLLER decode and verify the PIN number if both numbers matches .then the microcontroller accept the vote otherwise rejected the vote. A GSM MODEM is used to receive message from voters. And we are using a LCD to display the vote. In addition, proxy vote or double voting is not possible. Any entities except for an e-voting device cannot know the voting result.

Step 1: LCD Initialization

When power supply is given,LCD is initialized to display the theme of the project

Step 2: Waiting for Message

After a few seconds LCD displays the waiting message.

This tells the voter to vote for the corresponding party in specified format

Step 3: LCD Displays the Vote Registered

When the vote is sent by the voter,LCD displays the vote registered.

Buzzer produces sound which indicates one vote is registered

Step 4: Acknowledgement

When the vote is registered,Acknowledgement is sent to the voter that he voted successfully

Step 5: Proxy Vote Acknowledgement

If the voter has already utilized his vote, he cannot vote again i.e. even if he sends another vote that will not be registered and he receives an acknowledgement which says already voted.

In addition, proxy vote or double voting is not possible.

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