Introduction: Indoor Fort for Kids

this is just a quick easy fort made with simple stuff that all children will have. it's perfect for ages 5-10. u can make small changes and customizations as you please:) have fun

Step 1: Things You Need

a mattress
2-3 blankets or bed sheets
2 chairs (I found computer chairs work best)

Step 2: Set Up Chairs and Mattress

Set the chairs apart so the bed fits over them. then lift the bed over top (may need an adult for help) position it so it's perfectly over top as shown in picture

Step 3: The Walls

drape the blankets/sheets over the opposite longer sides. leave a little room so you are able to crawl into it.

Step 4: Have Fun and Play Inside It!!!

now you can crawl in your fort and bring pillows, gaming devices, musical instruments, drawing utensils, snacks, ect.!! there are so many fun things you can do in your fort you have made! maybe even camp in it and sleep!