Introduction: Ink Made From Root Beer

Canadian artist Marcel Dzama works with ink made from root beer - now you can too! It's cheap, easy and the results are quite nice to work with.

Step 1: Find Yourself Some Natural Root Beer.

Look for root beers with sasparilla in them - this natural colorant will last longer than the molasses and dyes used in your average soda pop.

Step 2: Boil Down the Root Beer

On medium heat on the stovetop, warm 1-2 bottles of root beer slowly. The water will evaporate leaving a sticky, concentrated syrup. Be careful not to have the heat on too high, or the sugar will burn easily.

Step 3: Transfer to Small Containers

Once you've got all the water evaporated and are left with your concentrated root beer, pour into small containers to use as paint pots.

Step 4: Create!

With a paintbrush, mix small amounts of water to the reduction to achieve more fluidity; much like you would with a watercolor. Also be sure to use watercolor paper or something of a heavier stock for optimal results. I like to use a warm-toned Arches paper. Enjoy!