Introduction: Keeping Food Safe

If you are cooking a meal in the wild, you may want to keep some items of prepared food cool and fresh ,  away from insects and animals

This set-up is simple but effective.

You will need :

1. A cloth, rag, tea towel or similar fabric.

2. String or elastic.

3. A surface. I used a plastic base from a CD pack. You could use anything that's slightly round for e.g; slate, a flat stone e.t.c.

Step 1: Step 1

Fold the fabric in half horizontally and tie both ends individually with elastic or string.

Step 2: Step 2

Attach string to one end of the fabric. This enables you to hang it from a tree, out of the reach of most animals.

Step 3: Step 3

Finally insert your surface, this provides a platform on which your food will sit.

Pocket-Sized Contest

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Pocket-Sized Contest

Survival Skills Challenge

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Survival Skills Challenge