Introduction: Keyboard Shortcuts for Safari!!

About: I post how to videos on youtube and run my own business on the side making hand crafted keychains, Jewelry and other items. One of my main goals in life is to help as many people as I can and just knowing tha…

This Instructable will show you some useful keyboard shortcuts for safari

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Step 1: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 1

1. Ctrl + T

  • Open a New Tab

2. Ctrl + N

  • Open a New Window

3. Ctrl + F

  • Open Find

- A search bar will open at the top of the webpage

- Type in the word/words you are looking for

- The word/words will be highlighted on the webpage

4. Ctrl + +

  • Zoom In

5. Ctrl + -

  • Zoom Out

6. Ctrl + 0

  • Set Zoom to normal

7. Ctrl + Alt + U

  • Open View Source

8. Ctrl + W

  • Exit View Source

9. Ctrl + Shift + I

  • Mail Link to This Page

- This will open your email

- Allows you to email someone the link to the webpage you are currently on

10. Ctrl + S

  • Open Save As

Step 2: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 2

11. Ctrl + P

  • Open Print

12. Ctrl + Shift + B

  • Show/Hide Bookmarks Bar

13. Ctrl + Shift + T

  • Show/Hide Tab Bar

14. Ctrl + Shift + L

  • Show/Hide Reading List

15. F11 or Fn + F11

  • Fullscreen

- If you press F11 or Fn + F11 again it will go back to normal

16. Ctrl + H

  • Open History

17. Ctrl + Alt + L

  • Open Downloads

18. Ctrl + Shift + K

  • Turn On/Off Block Pop - Up Windows

19. Ctrl + Comma

  • Open Preferences

- General

- Appearance

- Bookmarks

- Tabs


- Autofill

- Security

- Privacy

- Extensions

- Advanced

20. F1 or Fn + F1

  • Open Help