Introduction: Kit Kat Bench

Have a break... have a Kit Kat... bench (made from Kit Kat's, and other assorted chocolate)

Step 1: Buy Lots of Chocolate

(this is quite easy, BTW!)

Step 2: Basic Bench

I covered a piece of syrofoam in tin foil, and make some holes with a pair of cooking chop sticks (because they make circular holes closer to the size/shape of the strawberry laces.)

The chocolate then is balanced on top.

Step 3: Paving Slabs

Garabaldi biscuits create a fairly nice tile pattern for the paving slabs. I was going to add some grass by using cream and green food colouring, but couldn't find any colourings.

Step 4: The Man

Cocktail sticks, poked through flying saucers and mini-marshmallows make up the basic man shape. 

I added some tooty frooties for shoes.

Note the catherine wheel - this is intended to be part of a spiral armrest.

Step 5: Chocolate Fingers

The back pieces are supported with chocolate fingers; they're fixed by using chocolate body paint as glue, and putting them in the fridge for a few minutes!

Step 6: Nearly There...

Note the use of licorice as a scarf, and arm rest.

Step 7: Done

Now... who wants to eat chocolate? :)

Chocolate Contest

Participated in the
Chocolate Contest