Introduction: K'nex 3D Spiral

About: Hi, I'm epicpenguin13, a Knex enthusiast and pyromaniac from the UK. I would list all of my 100th commenters like loads of other people on here seem to be doing but unfortunately I don't have enough commenters…

Hello there everyone! This is a K'nex 3 dimensional spiral I made a few months ago. You can make it as big as you want, depending on amounts of pieces. I made a sort of medium size one just to demonstrate the purpose of this cool object. Please post feedback and subscribe!

Step 1: Pieces

There is not a set number of pieces you should use, so use this to decide how many pieces you need:

Take any number of yellow rods (over 20) and call it y

The number of green rods is y - 20

The number of yellow connectors is 2y

The number of orange connectors is 2y - 40

If you find any of these piece values are negative, then make sure you have over 20 yellow rods to begin with.

Now, let's BUILD!

Step 2: Build

This is the the stage where you (obviously) build the model

1) Lay the flat model out. Leave the short ends of 20 of the yellow rods free.

2) Close up. Make sure all yellow all yellow rods are pushed right to the end.

3-6) Views of the top and bottom

7) Complete! Start attaching where shown in pic one to spiral-ify it

Step 3: Uses

There are many uses for this. Here are some:

1) Gaze at it in wonder

2) Drop the ball in the top and watch it spiral down (if you use this in a ball machine please give me credit).

3) Roll it along the floor and it looks cool

4) Make one out of micro K'nex and hang it on your Christmas tree (or around the house)

5) Post it in the comments box along with a picture and I will add it to this step

Have fun!!