Introduction: Knex Crank Full Auto

About: (\_/) (o.o) (><)
A fully automatic knex gun, inspired by Extreme Builder. It has a removable magazine for grey connectors. Also, it does fire slowly due to gear reduction, but not that slowly, it's just my cranking speed.

Step 1: Handle

A basic handle.

Step 2: Mag

Just the same as the mag on my other gun.

Step 3: Bits and Pieces

Supports for the handle, mag, firing pin, and rails.

Step 4: Main Body, Crank, Gears, and Mechanism

The biggest and hardest step: shadows prevented me from using flash, and without the flash it's not as detailed.

Step 5: Connection

Connecting all of the parts.

Step 6: Finished!

You're finished! I'm not responsible for any injuries.