Introduction: K'nex Oblivion Ball Machine Instructions

Someone challenged me in a comment on the previous ible that I should make bigger ball machines so here it is! The Oblivion ball machine has one unique element and that is the automatic drawbridge or path 1. The bridge starts when the ball hits a switch and starts to lower. Then, a second motor will kick in and pull the mother switch back up making the bridge raise and then the bridge will shut the main motor off. This element I think was on another ball machine but I reinvented it to suit the newer motors. The first video shows the drawbridge element by itself. Credit goes to Shadowman39's motor switch mechanism in video one.

Step 1: Piece Count


grey: 94
red: 196
yellow: 458
blue: 878
white: 401
Green: 778


white: 97
blue 3d: 265
purple 3d: 603
yellow: 452
green: 24
red: 314
orange: 110
light-grey: 14
dark-grey: 209


orange track connector: 159
Black or tan rod: 3
Purple flexi-rod: 22
orange flexi-rod: 3
tan lock: 19
blue clip: 25
Y clip: 78
blue spacer: 113
silver spacer: 129
track clip: 6
medium tire no tread: 11
small tire: 4
red gear: 6
small blue gear: 1
yellow gear: 1
motors: 3
triangle panel with three holes: 1
chain link: 142


Step 2: Base and Supports

Let's start building!

Step 3: Return Path

Step 4: Main Support and Lift

Step 5: Secondary Supports

Step 6: Path Selecters

Step 7: Path 1- the Drawbridge

This step really isn't step-by-step based because I just put in a lot of pictures of the thing but I assure you you will be able to make it from them. There are four pulley systems and one mother switch. The process of the cycle goes like this:

1. The ball hits the mother switch and the bridge starts to lower down.
2. The bridge being at the bottom triggers motor 2 which is only there to pull the mother switch up which makes the bridge rise.
3. The bridge rises until the pulley in the back pulls the mother switch back down into the off position. Motor 2 automatically shuts itself off.

Yes, I give credit to the member who made the "Leave Me Alone Box" because motor two uses the exact mechanism.

Take your time with this, it is very easy to lose track of where you are. The pulley systems will take a little while to adjust so don't get impatient with them.

Step 8: Path 2- the Wheel

This path contains the large wheel at the center of the machine.

Step 9: Path 3- Double-Path

This path includes a new element that isolates the balls and spaces them farther apart.

Step 10: Path 4- Yin-Yang