Introduction: Knex Shotgun - BonecrusherV2

About: Left due to lack of anything going on. Goodbye, much love. (Formerly Karma Charger18) What can I say? I'm a huge nerd who loves many games (especially Halo and Left 4 Dead) I have a grand total of 29871 gamer…
The original Bonecrusher took an age to reload so I rebuilt it with a magazine and, quite possibly, a brand new trigger mech. (I'm not sure if anyone else has made a trigger like it before)
- 12 shot magazine
- Double barreled
- Grip
-Twin true triggers
- New trigger mech?
New trigger mech?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I dont think anyone else has built an true trigger that doesn't require elastic bands for it to work correctly. Allow me to explain. Inside the handle, there are a couple of white rods that are bent out of place when pressure is applied to the trigger. When you stop squeezing the trigger, the whit rods push back and the trigger goes back to blocking the ram rod.