Introduction: Leather Cleaner Using Eggs!

About: If you find yourself reading this hit me up if you are nearby. We can hang out and make something awesome.

Did you you know you can clean and protect leathers with egg whites? This is a trick that I have used to shine my boots while I was in the fire academy (Shout out to CRFA). Egg whites easily remove dirt and give your leather a beautiful shine. You can clean a variety of things with egg whites, such as couches, seats in your car, and belts. You can add essential oils if you want a good smell, but raw eggs are odorless. Compare the DvD with the thumb print to the shine of the boot!

You will need:

- A Sponge

- Eggs

*Optional* Water bottle

Step 1: Separate Your Whites From Your Yolk

You can do this any way you like. I personally use a water bottle. I do this by squeezing the water bottle, then, pressing it against the yolk I then release. This creates a suction and lifts the yolk away from the whites.

Step 2: Apply Egg Whites

Generously apply egg whites to your surface using the soft side of your sponge. Rub on the egg whites in a circular motion across the surface until the film disappears and you are left with a high gloss. Continue to generously use your egg whites. Rub it in and reapply. The abrasiveness of the egg will help remove the dirt. You will be left with a great shine. Eggs are odorless, but remember, you can always add essential oils if you want to use this on you cars interior or couch.

Enjoy your beautiful leather!

Egg Challenge

Runner Up in the
Egg Challenge

Spring Cleaning Challenge

Participated in the
Spring Cleaning Challenge