Introduction: Lego Pentagon

Speed build:

It's pentagon time... awwwww yeah! The wild offspring of Mr. Square and Mrs. Hexagon; baby Pentagon is here to rock your world!

Lego thought: Don't you just love the sound of Lego bricks? I love the sound a pile of 1x2s makes when you reach in to grab the ones you want. I also love the sound of two bricks snapping together, there's just something so satisfying about that sound. 

Step 1: Parts

To build what will probably the coolest pentagon you will ever make, you will need:
-90 1x2 bricks

Two color: 45 of each brick
Three color: 30 of each brick
Rainbow warrior: go wild

Step 2:

Stack 3 bricks as shown. Repeat until all the bricks are used up. 

Two colors: 15 stacks of each color
Three colors: 10 stacks of each color
Rainbow warrior: 30 stacks of whatever kinda craziness you're into 

Step 3:

Connect the stacks, alternating the colors.

To turn the corner, turn the top brick of the stack as shown. The goal here is have each side consist of 5 normal stacks of bricks and two that are bent. The pictures make more sense. 

Step 4:

Keep building sides and corners until you run out of stacks. 

Step 5: Close 'er Up!

Bring the two ends around and attach those fools together! 

Now you're cooler because you have a Lego pentagon. 

Check out these other cool Lego shapes to be even cooler:
Lego Circle
Lego Triangle

Step 6:

Later this week I'll finish up the basic shapes with what I like to call a double trouble Instructable. That's right, it's gonna be a twofer! That means double the Lego and double the shapes. Then hold on tight because I'll be taking the bendy Legoness to the next level. No more kindergarten shapes, oh no, you can expect some 3rd grade level goodness in the coming weeks. There are even some shapes that I had to make my own names up for! Now that's Legolicious. 

To make sure you don't miss out on any of this excitement, be sure to click that little yellowish orangish button that says "Follow" ;) 

Want more 1x2 LEGO fun? Check out these other 1x2 bendy shape Instructables:
Lego Star
ego Saw Blade
ego Cog
ego Deltoid and Astroid
Lego Triangle
ego Circle
ego Starburst
ego Medical Sign
ego Heart