Introduction: Lego Space Invader Belt

This is a idea that I got when i saw a belt buckle that was just Legos stuck together in a square formation. But I wanted something a little more creative so I made my own and though I would share it with you

thing your going to need
1. legos
2. drill
3. cloth belt
4. super glue
5. nail
6. candle
7. thread and needle
8. screw and a loop or a coat hanger

Step 1: Brick Formation

take your legos, what ever color you want and make a space invader of any kind, i picked this one because i thought it would work as a belt the best

Step 2: Now Glue the Bricks

next take a part your invader (but be careful to remember the way it was) and put some super glue on each brick and stick them together in the right order

Step 3: Glue in Order and Wait

after you have glued the bricks together wait and check to see if it holds up good enough if so drill 3 holes in it, two for the loop and one for the screw

Step 4: Enter the Brick

after you have drilled the holes put a little glue on the loop and screw and fit them in their places

Step 5: Attaching Your Belt

the belt i chose was cloth and tough, and attaching it to the loop was easy. the kinda belt to use should be easy to cut but not to easy. attach it by sewing it around the loop

Step 6: Burn Holes

now your guna need holes for your belt screw to fit in to, i made these holes with a hot nail. Why a hot nail? Because it leaves a clean hole and its much easer than using a hole punch

Step 7: Step 7 Try It On

now try it on and see if you need to burn more holes, if not your done enjoy