Introduction: Lemonade Slushy

What's better than a cold lemonade slushy on a hot summer day?

Step 1: Get All Your Materials

  • a glass of lemonade
  • ice
  • a spoon
  • a blender
  • a straw
  • a cup

Step 2:

Grab the ice, put it in the blender, and blend it until the ice gets slushy.

Step 3:

Pour the slushy ice and lemonade in the cup. Don't pour in chunks of ice. Mix the ice and the lemonade together with the spoon.

Step 4:

Take your spoon out from the mixture, plop in your straw, and enjoy your homemade lemonade slushy!

squeeze more awesome out of summer contest

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squeeze more awesome out of summer contest

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Summer #mikehacks Contest

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