Introduction: Live Life Louder With a CAPS LOCK BADGE

About: A Northern Ireland based maker with a propensity to cause trouble and freshly constructed family.


You can now express this to all by tearing the key off your keyboard and MAKING SURE THE WORLD HEARS YOU!!!1111!!!1!

Places you may wish to wear this;
 - Youtube conventions, just roll up and scream first at the start of every conversation
 - Starbucks, sidle up to hipsters and comment upon them WITH FORCE
 - Church, while on your way there feel free to express HOW CHRIST SAVED YOU FROM A BISCUIT ADDICTION

Places you may not wish to wear this;
 - Anywhere with old people
 - Anywhere you may meet a member of the opposite sex you want to ask out
 - Anywhere

You can also read my projects on my website, along with a blog that MAKES NO DAMN SENSE and check out my photography

Step 1: Materials

You'll need:

 - A medium safety pin
 - Glue (maybe)


 - Pliers
 - Lighter
 - Knife

Step 2: Cut That Sinful Thing...

Put a slice across the square column at the back. 

Set they key face down on a firm surface and carefully press the blade in a little, take care with your fingers... 

Step 3: Make It Suffer...

Hold your safety pin in the pliers and heat it up with a lighter, it doesn't need to be very hot, the plastic's not particularly heat resistant. 

Once hot slide the backside of the pin down in to the slot so it's sitting the right way for being a badge. 

If it's not feeling well fixed then put glue in to the slot, hot glue, superglue or even PVA will likely do the job... 

3rd Epilog Challenge

Participated in the
3rd Epilog Challenge