Introduction: MacGyver Style DIY Tip Based on a Survivor Man Episode

About: Professional magician, COO of Gray Water Ops, Media Consultant for eight Delmarva Broadcasting Company radio stations, dad and husband.

This is a tip from the show Survivor Man on The Discovery Channel!

This video will teach you how to kill bacteria in dirty water, in the wild, with only a plastic bottle, a string and a lighter or match.

Original video link

Step 1: Finding Water in the Wilderness Without a Stream or Running Water

If you're on a hike or camping and get lost, what do you do if you don't have water? Sure you can go a short while without it, but what if you're lost longer than a few hours? This instructable will teach you how to take almost any water source and make it safe to drink to stay alive.

For this instructable, we're assuming all you have is a lighter (or matches), a piece of string and an empty water bottle. Any container will do as long as it holds water.

If you can't find a stream or source of running water, look for a mud puddle. If you can't find a mud puddle, try to dig a hole deep enough so water seeps in the hole.

NOT SHOWN: As an added way to filter the dirt, you can place a shirt or piece of material over the opening on the bottle and use it as a filter to prevent large pieces of dirt from entering the bottle as you fill it.

Fill the container with water from the hole.

Step 2: Tie the String to the Bottle

Using the string, tie it to the neck of the bottle so you have something to hold it away from your body with.

Step 3: Start a Small Fire

If you have a lighter or matches great! Gather some dry leaves, pine needles or dead grass, twigs, sticks and branches to build your fire. If you don't have a lighter or matches, you'll need to use a more advanced instructable to start a fire with other objects. This instructable assumes you have at least a lighter or matches to light your fire.

Step 4: Hold the Bottle of Muddy Water Directly Over the Flame

Once your fire is started, hold the plastic bottle directly over the flame. The water inside the bottle will prevent the bottle from melting. Make sure the flame doesn't go higher than the water level in the bottle or it WILL melt above the water level!

Keep the bottle over the flame until it begins to boil. Let the water boil for several minutes to kill any germs or bacteria in the muddy water.

Step 5: You Can Now Let It Cool and Drink the Water

Once the water cools down, you can drink it. It won't be the best tasting water you've ever had, but it will keep you alive!

This instructable is based on a tip from the show Survivor Man on the Discovery Channel.

This is Colin's very first instructable so please rate it if you enjoyed it!