Introduction: MaMa Mia! Plant Pie!

My most sincere apologies for anyone who thought this was about pizza! My heart goes out to you!

A typical American baby consumes 600 jars of baby food before they are a year old.
( 2011)

3 billion single-use cardboard pizza boxes are consumed in the USA every year. (Smurfit)

Now that you know this, you might be thinking "I don't even have a baby;" or " I don't even eat pizza."

Congratulations; Too much pizza is bad for you, and taking care of children requires alot of responsibility.

For this project, you will need a pizza box, a few baby food jars, scissors, a pencil, and your choice of cutting utensil.) I used scissors, because I'm a big boy now. (Saftey scissors, under the strict supervision of my Fiance)

Step 1: Space Cadets.

Take your baby food jars and do your best to space them out on the box neatly. If you're a helter/skelter kind of person, drink your favorite kind of coffee and go buck wild. The mission here is simple, space out the jars to your preference, then trace them with your pencil (Or pen, or marker, or chalk).

Step 2: Filling the Void.

If you've so far succeeded in not injuring yourself whilst tracing the jars, you might be able to proceed to this step! (Maybe)

Now that your jars are spaced, cut the cardboard circles out with your preferred slicing mechanism. I used scissors, my dog advised a chainsaw.

Once your holes are cut, place your jars inside.

Step 3: What Do I Grow?

Whatever you want. I'm currently experimenting with all sorts of stuff. If it doesn't work, dump it out, and find something new! As of right now, I only have one celery plant, and the rest are green onion. What I've done, is taken the parts that typically are thrown away, (the bottom ends) and given them another chance. With some fresh water, and a little root promoter (I do mean little, very little in fact) these plants have managed to do quite well. I've harvested each of the Green Onion plants at least 3 times. My celery plant seems to be taking alot longer to grow, but each plant grows at it's own pace. Feel free to comment on plants you think I should try out! (Keep in mind, it needs to grow in a jar)

For my root promoter, I used SuperThrive.

Please feel free to comment! Thank you all for reading this! Now go out there and make the world a better place!

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