Introduction: Magnetic Car Mount for IPhone, Droid and Other Smartphones

Here's an elegant solution to to all of those out their who fiddle with their phones while they drive. Whether it be following Waze, looking up a restaurant on Google Maps, or dare I say texting, using you phone while you drive is dangerous - and I wanted a solution.

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works." - Steve Jobs

My requirements:
- no clips
- no stickers
- on and off in 2 seconds
- sturdy
- car/phone looks good when not in use
- 100% built by me

So I got to work and this is what I came up with. Enjoy my first Instructable!

Step 1: Ingredients

I don't have exact measurements for the parts that I used, I'm sorry! Good news is, I got everything at Home Depot in one isle. Even the magnets.

"Grocery List"
- 1 Corner Bracket
- 2 bolt (with nuts) that fit through the corner bracket
- 1 magnet with hole that allows the bolt to pass through
- 1 washer that does NOT let the head of the bolt pass through
- 1 washer that DOES let the head of the bolt pass through
- 1 tube of quick setting epoxy (I got 3200 psi)
- 1 smartphone of your choice
- 1 cheap plastic case for your phone

- look at the pic lazy

Step 2: The Case

The project consists of two parts
1) the case
2) the dongle

Since the case requires the use of epoxy, we'll get it out of the way so it can dry while we're making the dongle. 

Mini Steps:
1) center and outline the bigger washer (the one that the bolt can pass through) on the case
2) scratch up the surface so that the epoxy bonds better (scratching the surface increases the surface area the epoxy has to bond with)
3) mix and carefully spread the epoxy on the case
4) stick on the washer and let it dry!

Step 3: The Dongle

The project consists of two parts
1) the case
2) the dongle

Mini Steps:
1) stick the magnet to the bracket
2) stick on the smaller washer
3) insert the bolt
4) bolt on the nut to the back and tighten
5) attach the other nut and bolt to the other side for safe keeping till mounting

Step 4: Replicate, Mount & Enjoy!

Make a couple more for everyone in your family - they all work! After all, they do have to deal with a stupid metal dongle sticking out of the dash lol.

I didn't include the mounting process because we all have different cars! For those interested: I peeled off a couple parts from the console, just drilled a hole and bolted the thing on. I had to shave away some plastic on the inside that was getting in the way, but it all turned out great. 

Email me with any questions:

For those wondering: I'm an app developer... that's how i got iOS7.

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