Introduction: Make a Tea Bag From a Coffee Filter

About: I used to work for, now I just make stuff. // follow me to see what I'm up to:

One of my coworkers brought in some really nice loose-leaf teas, but we didn't have any steepers around to brew the tea in. I poked around for a second and found some coffee filters, and decided to make my own tea bags to enjoy the tea.

Step 1: Gather Materials

For this Instructable you will need: -loose tea -a coffee filter -a stapler -a mug

Step 2: Tea and Folding

I added tea to the filter and then folded it into a little pouch. Reference my images for guidance.

Step 3: Staple

Staple it shut so no tea leaves fall out.

Step 4: Brew

And enjoy! I added too much tea to my pouch - so it was a bit strong, but I was able to get four pours from one pouch. Yum!