Introduction: Make an Oil-burning Candle

I had extra cooking oil that was used to fry tortillas for enchiladas. I couldn't just let it go to waste, so I made this support for holding a cotton wick.

This can be used to make any oil holder into a nice candle. If you are careful with the oil level, the wick will be consumed very slowly.

Step 1: Assemble Parts

Use an all-cotton string for the candle wick. Synthetic fibers will not burn cleanly. I am using a kitchen string that is used to truss poultry and tie up roasts.

Any kind of wire can be used for the wick support, but I had a spool of copper wire on hand. A large paperclip may also work.

Step 2: Begin Winding Wire

Loosely wind the wire around the matchstick.

Step 3: Complete the Wick Holder

The coil should be made loose enough to slip off the matchstick. I use a fingernail to separate the turns of the wire slightly.

If the wire is packed closely, it will wick enough oil to burn along the entire copper sleeve.

Step 4: This Is the Finished Wick Holder

Adjust the spiral base to place the coil in the center, slightly suspended.

Step 5: Cut the Wick

The length is not really important. Just so it is longer than the wire coil.

Step 6: Fill a Container With Oil

Adjust the wick so only an eighth of an inch projects past the copper coil.

Step 7: Now Use Your Match

The oil may be a little difficult to light, compared to a wax candle.

Step 8: Using a Candlestick to Hold Oil

Step 9: The Wick Is Not Consumed

Unlike a wax candle, the wick of this oil candle is supplied with fuel as the oil level goes down. The flame remains constant until the last of the oil is burned.