Introduction: Make Energy by Moving Your Hands in Your Free Time

Hello all,

This is my very first instructable! I have made a machine using a motor, some electronic components, gears and pulleys to very efficiently convert the kinetic energy from a persons hands into electricity. This can produce, at fastest speed, up to 12 volts, but it is controlled at 5 volts because I made it to only charge mobile devices. It has unlimited potential as more gears are added, and a bigger motor is used. It can also be connected to a bicycle or car wheel to produce amazingly high amounts of electricity. About 10 - 15 minutes of spinning would get your smart phone or tablet charged up to 40% - 50% if the product is built correctly. Good luck, and enjoy.

Step 1: Planning and Building

Sorry for the inconvenient format. All instructions are written in images. All the instructions are very clear and easy to follow.

Here is a video showing how it worked out at the end.

First Time Author Challenge

Participated in the
First Time Author Challenge

3D Design Contest

Participated in the
3D Design Contest

MAKE ENERGY: A US-Mexico Innovation Challenge

Participated in the
MAKE ENERGY: A US-Mexico Innovation Challenge

Formlabs Contest

Participated in the
Formlabs Contest