Introduction: Making a Bibliography

Follow these steps to conduct quality research and put together and detailed Bibliography.

Designed for Year 7 History classes.

Step 1: Find Your Source

  • Use academic research tools, not just search engines
  • Utilise the Library catalogue and e-resources
  • Use the school's Britannica Online access, through the Library Moodle page
  • Use academic search engines designed for school students, such as Sweet Search, Infotopia or Study Navigator
  • Make sure it contains information that is directly related to your question or task, not just general information on the topic

Step 2: Take Notes

  • Read through your source carefully
  • In a book or document, note down all the information that is relevant to your topic or question
  • Use dot points
  • Do not copy and paste - this can lead to accidental plagiarism
  • Use headings if you can, to group information into sections

Step 3: Write Down Source Information

When your notes are complete, write down the following information as a heading:
If you are using a book
  1. The title of the book
  2. The author
  3. The year it was published
  4. The name of the publishing company
  5. The city in which it was published (can be found on the first page of the book)

If you are using a website

  1. The title of the page you are using - not necessarily the same as the title of the whole site
  2. The group or organisation who runs the site
  3. The person who wrote the page you used, if you can find it. This may be in a byline or may be at the bottom of the page
  4. The exact URL - copy and paste from the navigation bar
  5. The date the page was last updated (usually found at the bottom of the page)
  6. The date you accessed the page

If you cannot find one or two of these pieces of information, leave them out. If you cannot find more than one or two, the page may not be reliable information and you may not be able to use it. Check with your teacher.

Step 4: Construct Your Bibliography

After you have conducted all your research and written your assignment . . .

  • Collect all of your source information on a new page, with the heading "Bibliography"
  • Go to the Library's Moodle page and click e-Resources, then Referencing Generator. Alternatively, go here or here to use a different generator
  • Fill out a source information form for each of your sources - make sure you use the right type of form for each source
  • Copy and paste the reference into your Bibliography page
  • Arrange all your sources in alphabetical order according to the very first letter of the reference - this will be the first letter of the author's surname
  • Include this page at the end of your assignment

Step 5: A Summary

  1. Choose only relevant, academic sources for your research - primary and secondary
  2. Write down all the information about each source as you use it
  3. Take notes that summarise the relevant information from each source in dot points - do not copy and paste
  4. Use a Harvard referencing generator to make the references
  5. Put them into a Bibliography that is organised alphabetically
  6. Include this at the end of your assignment