Introduction: "Mercury Glass" Spooktacular Halloween Votives

About: I'm just a girl who likes to make things. Check out my blog at Thanks for visiting!
I've been seeing DIY mercury glass projects everywhere, but wanted to create something a bit different with the technique. I came up with these Halloween votives using simple jars or old candle holders.

Step 1: Collect Your Materials

Materials Needed:
Jars (any shape will do. Check out
Krylon Looking Glass Spray Paint,
Black Paint/Paint brush
Spray Bottle with 1/2 vinegar/water solution
Printed Halloween Images to act as a template...the simpler the better.

Step 2: First Coat of Spray Paint

Clean and dry it thoroughly. Lightly spray one coat of Looking Glass Spray Paint on the OUTSIDE of the jar, let dry just a few seconds. You could spray the inside but it's difficult to do and you won't be able to place a real candle or water inside...

Step 3: Vinegar/Water Solution

Then lightly spray your water/vinegar mixture on top. Let sit for a minute or so then gently wipe off the water droplets to remove some of the Spray Paint. Repeat entire process a few times.

Step 4: Start Decorating

Once the jar is dry, I cut out my skull image and wanted to lightly glue it to the jar...WRONG! It took the paint with it...duh. SO, I smeared a bit of vaseline on the back of the paper and pressed it onto the jar. Held in place perfectly.

Feel free to freehand a design as well which is what I did for the spider web...

Step 5: Start Painting

Now, start painting around your image. I brushed one coat of black paint, let it dry and then added another coat. When the second coat was still wet, I sprinkled glitter on top. Once dry I peeled away my image.

Step 6: Light Up the Night

The votives look pretty even when they're not lit. But to enjoy a frightful night, place a candle inside and light away.
Halloween Decorations Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Decorations Contest