Introduction: Minecraft Beginner's Tutorial

A basic, yet in-depth, survival guide to getting started in Minecraft. Videos include:

1. Getting Started; The First Day: The things you need to do to make a preliminary, temporary shelter before the first nightfall.
2. Home Renovations 101: How to make a furnace room, crafting/storage room, and build anti-monster defenses
3. Wheat Ranching 101: How to build a sustainable wheat farm to keep your character fed and alive
4. Caving Is For Adrenaline Junkies: An introduction to branch mining, and what makes it better than caving for gathering resources
5. Taking Back The Night: A description of the different monsters you will come into contact with on a nightly basis and the best ways to deal with them.

Step 1: Getting Started

Due to an http error at time of upload, I am unable to upload directly here. I will provide Youtube links instead.

Step 2: Home Renovations 101

Step 3: Wheat Ranching 101

Step 4: Caving Is for Adrenaline Junkies

Step 5: Taking Back the Night