Introduction: Stackable Toy Boxes

About: I'm a mom of 4 and I love to craft! Anything and Everything interests me and i love to create in the process of learning.

Step 1: What You Need

This is what you need if you are doing the bigger box...for my daughter I would be doing the's the same except there are no wheels. I would continue this instructable with the cube and post pictures of the bigger box later as i couldn't complete it.(my neighbor complained of the sanding noise so I'm waiting for the couple to leave on a nice long weekend!)

Step 2: Build the Box

Build a basic box...make sure it's square else it would not stack. Remember to first cut the slots for the finger hold. To cut the slots find the center point. Then mark 2 inches from the dot on either side. drill through on both ends...draw lines on the upper and lower curve and cut away with a jigsaw or band saw.
cut 2 square dowels the width of the finger hold planks...pass it through the box to make sure it would fit...then fix it at the may glue,nail or do both!

Step 3: The Fun Part- Texturing and Painting

Prime/ gesso the it a textured background hides a lot of children just love this part.
For more ideas on texturing check out the below instructable

Paint and decorate how you like...I of course went for the rainbow colors.
Cut numbers in a mirror sticker and paste on one can put on the other side pictures of what you want inside the box

Step 4: Ta Da!

Now varnish and let your kids enjoy organizing! It's fun stacking them could be giant number blocks :-)

Step 5: Some Rainbow Thyme Ideas

Maker Moms Contest

Finalist in the
Maker Moms Contest

Hurricane Lasers Contest

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Hurricane Lasers Contest

Fix & Improve It Contest

Participated in the
Fix & Improve It Contest