Introduction: Modern Radiant Energy Antenna Simple Circuit and Setup

This instructable is intended for learning and experimenting purposes only !

In this instructable I'll show you how to build a simple Tesla-based antenna/radiant energy receiver, and also give a diagram for a simple circuit that can work with it in the exact manner as Tesla explains in his patent.

"Radio Power Will Revolutionize the World" in Modern Mechanics and Inventions (July 1934) " Wikiquote.

Step 1: Quoting Nichola Tesla

Here is a link to the patent and the quote I have taken from the patent showing in plain English that the antenna plate P needs to be insulated with some kind of insulating material to perform properly.

"C is the condenser, P the insulated plate or conducting body, which is exposed to the rays, and P' another plate or conductor, all being joined in series, as shown. The terminals T T' of the condenser are also connected to a circuit"

When trying to understand Nichola Tesla's work it is very important to read in great detail all of the patents and fully understand the meaning of all of his words.

Nikola Tesla patent.

Step 2: Materials and Tools

Materials Needed:
1 - heavy duty aluminium foil
2 - sharp cutting tool
3 - lamination papers or any other type of insulating material such as glass, a plastic sticker ...
4 - a clothes Iron

Step 3: Let's Get Started

We need to make sure that the lamination part of the antenna is bigger than the inner metal part of the aluminium to insulate it correctly;
so we shall measure the lamination part and get a slice of aluminium big enough to fit inside the lamination papers.
After we have both of the materials, you will start marking the aluminium foil like in the pictures.

Step 4: Cutting the Aluminium Foil

Now that you have marked the aluminium foil to the specific size you need, you are ready to cut the right size piece out of that big piece of aluminium foil just like in the pictures.

Step 5: Getting Ready to Iron It All Together

Now we need to put the aluminium foil inside the lamination papers, Make sure to leave an edge of lamination all the way around the aluminium foil to insulate it completely just like in the pictures.

Step 6: Iron It All Together

This part is a little tricky. You need to cover your project with a thin towel and iron it together slowly. It takes a little bit of time this way! You need to make sure that you get all of the air out of it. I ironed a wire into my project as well but you don't have to. You can find your own creative way to connect your wire to your antenna plate.

Step 7: The Circuit to Test the Antenna

Now that you've finished building your own Tesla style antenna plate, you can try and build the following circuit to test the antana plate.
Obviously you can scale this up to any size that you can think of (the bigger the better), using any type of materials and the same principle as this instructable.
The stricter you are with your build, the better results.

Second Part: 'the sircuit'
1 - 4 diodes of any kind (I used RL 207)
2 - a capacitor (I used 200 V - 220 uf)
3 - a soldering iron