Introduction: Most Simplest Er Knex Gun Ever ! Pocket Size !

ThIs Is My FiRsT InStRuCtAbLe Soooo nice....

this is so easy all u need to do is pay attention (so pay attention or I'LL EAT YOU!!!! ARRRRRGGGGH!)

Step 1: The Begining of the End! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!

The begining (assembling)
look at the #'s and words to get the equipment ready

Step 2: Putting Together... the Barrel

Take two red rods and 14 yellow connectors follow the two images to get to the next step

Step 3: Putting Together...firing Mechanism

this is the simplest step thiere is all your have to do is take one red rod one looped grey connector and a rubber band 1.stick the rubberband through the hole

Step 4: THE HANDLE !!!

a pretty easy part just need
1 green rod
1 white rod
1 blue rod
1 purple rod
1 two slotted gray connector

Step 5: Putting It Together

basicly what the title of this step
picture: of insertion of firing mechanism(the hole)
2.(still before firing mechanism)
3. after sticking in firing mechanism
4.side view of after firing pice insert
5.side view of after firing pice insert
6.all the pieces

Step 6: Loading and KABOOM-ing

loading- pulll back mechanism(after looping rubberband around the two white rod knotches(sorry forgot to talk bout that)) and insert something somall enough to fit through middle hole..insert item of fireing.


and have FUN!!!!