Introduction: Multi-purpose Holder From Kitchen Whisk

This Instructable shows you how to build a multipurpose holder for displaying everything from fruits & vegetables to your beloved cellphone charger using a simple metallic kitchen whisk.
You'll need a pincer tool, a metallic kitchen whisk (thanks to HBB for this one) and both of your hands.

Step 1: Remove Central Metallic Holder

First of all you need to remove that metallic holder piece in the center of the whisk. Use a pincher to cut the metal next to the holes of each "arm" of the whisk. Then you can remove the metallic holder.

Step 2: Fold First "petal"

Bend up one of the petal-shaped whisk part so that it is perpendicular to the handle. Make it a little curved up so that it can sustain the weight of a small object. Leave the petal which is planar to the "wall holder" so that it can rest along the wall ( see next step )

Step 3: Fold Rest of Petals Save One

Fold up all "petals" except one  : the petal which is in the same plane as the "wall holder" will act as a stabilizer.

Step 4: Tweak Stabilizer

Make sure the stabilizer touches the wall all the way. You can make it more "round" for more stability

Step 5: Put on a Nail on the Wall and Load It Up

Stability can be further enhanced with blue-tack (patafix) or hanging a small load to the stabilizer petal.