Introduction: My Halloween Costume From 2011

About: Curious Musician
This is my Great Pumpkin Halloween Costume From 2011. It's made up of a bamboo T-Shaped  frame with plastic trash-bags covering it. The arms are bamboo poles covered again in tattered trash-bags and the hands are (troll) gloves my neighbor lent me. The head is a foam Jack-O-Lantern I touched up with some bright orange paint, (Since it was faded) and then misted/ distressed it with black paint. i sprayed the inside of the head black, so the ugly yellow color of the foam wasn't visible. To walk around with it, i put on an old book-bag and attached the pole to it with a lot of duct tape. I wanted to move the arms, so i strapped the arms to an old long sleeve shirt with a lot more duct tape. (Sorry u see the tape on the sleeve and neck, that is reflective tape so cars can see me. This picture was taken a day after Halloween, and it got a bit abused from tripping with it, hitting trees with it, and getting hit with costume props from scared little kids.) 
Halloween Easy Costumes Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Easy Costumes Contest

Halloween Photo Instructable Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Photo Instructable Contest