Introduction: Nerf Clip-System Mod

About: Meme's favourite users (Who I always talk to): 1.Geodez 2.Dr.Ritchofen 3. DJ Radio 4. Potato Coffee 5.~KGB~ 6. Guiguivivin 7. Beanie Ostrich (Formerly, now inactive mostly) Well that's it I guess.


You have stumbled upon my Nerf Longstrike mod. As a Nerf-War Sniper, I was sick of underperforming Longstrikes. So I have attached a helpful temporary mod. Just follow the ible!

Step 1: Materials

You will only need a

1.Nerf longstrike , Recon, Longshot etc.

2.RP7, OR WD40 (No WD though)

Step 2: Insertion

1. Spray a light amount of lubricant in the barrel

2. Spray a light amount of lubricant on the reciever tube