Introduction: Newisch Gun

About: i like to make knex guns and to play on my xbox 360 and i really like to dance (breakdance)

Here is a new gun I created

I used the ram idea from the dunkis, but with a different mech idea.
I think I used a new trigger idea. cant explain it, so l just look at the pics.

The gun isn't fully completed, but there are some new feateres like,

Mag stayes on place by friction
Newisch trigger

Nice curved and comfy handle 
Great trigger gaurd
Some kind of ram guide
Blue sized mag
The ram will not be stopped by the end of the ram but by the littje add on of the ram (see last pic)
The ram can hold a lot of power (also see last pic)

I'm only must add a stock

Tell me what you think, and don't forget to subcride
