Introduction: Ninja Arm Bracers.

This instructable will show you how to make the first piece of ninja armor. The arm bracer.
Sorry it's fuzzy. :9 My camera stinks!

Step 1: Step 1

Start by pulling the handle out.
Then cut the PLASTIC paint can(found at Wallmart) at a slant like in the pic.

Step 2: Step 2

now cut the top and bottom of the can off with shears(knifes work too but I kept slipping and slicing my finger open).

Step 3: Step3

Now cut the other side of the can diagonally like a mirror image.

Step 4: Step 4

To continue, drill holes about half an inch from the diagonal cut and about one inch apart from each other.

Step 5: Step 5

Next trim any uneven places and thread a shoe string through the holes and your done!


Bisquick the ninja.