Introduction: Paper Airplane Glider From Grampa D

About: I live in Michigan, USA. I've been a Maker hobbyist for many years. It's fun to be Geeky.

I have very fond memories of my "Grampa D" from when I was little. He taught me how to make the World's Best Paper Airplane and today I can share it with you. This paper airplane design has been enjoyed and played with for 3 generations. The front is blunt so it can take a crash and keep going. It is simple, unique, and glides pretty well. (Usually better than in the video) All you need is a regular size sheet of paper, I used printer paper, and scissors.

You have the choice to watch the instructional video, read the step-by-step instructions, and/or view the step-by-step pictures.
Enjoy :-)

For more videos like these and other DIY projects, click here.

Step 1: Make a Square and Cut

  • Fold one corner down along the other edge so you have a 90 degree angle
  • Then fold the bottom part up and crease it.
  • Unfold them all and cut off the rectangle on the bottom along the crease you made so now you have a square and a rectangle.

Step 2: Fold the Square Into a Triangle

  • Your square should have a crease from one corner to the opposite. Now fold one creased corner to the other and open it back up.
  • You now have an "X" crease in your paper. Flip it over and fold one side to the opposite side and open it back up.
  • You should now be able to make the triangle like in the picture.

Step 3: Fold the Flaps Up

  • Your triangle has flaps on the sides. Take the top flap on each side and fold it up to the point.
  • Then with the same flaps, fold the lower edge along the center of the larger triangle.

Step 4: Make the Tail

  • Take the long rectangle you cut off and fold it lengthwise.
  • Look in the picture to see the line you are to cut. This makes the tail flaps.
  • Open it and fold the other end to a point. It should look like an arrow.
  • Then insert the tail in the triangle all the way to the end and keep it centered.

Step 5: Finish the Front

  • Now making sure the tail is centered, cut from the front point of the plane down to the flap. (it's about an inch and a half)
  • The top smaller flaps can be opened to make pockets that the part you just cut can slid into.
  • Insert both tips into the pockets by folding them over.
  • Fold down the tail flaps to make tail wings
  • Now gently fold the whole plane in half

Step 6: Let It Fly

  • You hold it by pinching it near the front and giving it a toss.
I hope you enjoyed making your glider.

Step 7: Other Info

Check out my YouTube Chanel for fun Geeky videos.

You can leave comments below and show us your tweaks to the design. Thanks.

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