Introduction: Perfect Hot Chocolate (instant)!

About: My account is named after a Doctor Who character (I'm obsessed). I like making stuff and am a fan of a lot of things! (Musicals, Film, Avengers, Disney, Origami, Violin...) I hope you like my instructables :)

This is an instructable all about how to make the perfect hot chocolate! I am going to be using instant powder, but that is touch and go (well for me anyway) whether it will actually taste nice and of chocolate, or, as I have found, burn your mouth and tongue then taste of just water! This is a way to make sure your hot chocolate tastes nice every time so you can relax!

Step 1: Ingredients ...

You will need:
• A kettle
• Water
• Hot chocolate powder (Cadbury 's)
• Milk (I used semi skimmed)
• A mug
• A spoon (teaspoon, preferably plastic)
• Mini marshmallows (for a treat !)

Step 2: Fill

First fill up your kettle with water!
It depends how many mugs you need to how much you put in, I used it a quarter full! :)
Start to boil your kettle!

Step 3: Prep Your Mug !

Add into your mug 3 heaped teaspoons of hot chocolate powder!
Now add milk to about a third full and stir until there is no lumps (or when the kettle boils) and it should resemble a almost gooey chocolatley syrup!

Step 4: Pour

Pour the boiled water into your mug until it reaches about 1 cmish away from the brim ! It should create a delicious foamy top too, like in a café!

Step 5: Add Marshmallows

Add marshmallows into your cup, it could be your lucky number or just until the cup looks full! You could let them melt into the drink, or slurp up straightaway!

Step 6: Enjoy !

I hope you enjoyed making your perfect hot chocolate and that this instructable was useful to you!
Bye for now

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