Introduction: Photography Box

2D Design

Zone Instructables Project l FABLAB Jubail Female Section

Step 1: For This Project You Will Need:

Step 2: Project Description

The photography box was done to show the prototypes in a better view of lighting and to show all details of the object. The design of the box was inspired by the logo of Fablabjubail. The project was done by the CNC machine, where the pieces of wood was cut according to the design, and was put together to make a whole box. The LED light was glues to the wood base, and programmed by sensor to work when an object was placed in front of it. The white transparent trash paper was placed in the box to show a better view of the object when photographed & to reduce the brightness of LED strips.

Step 3: 1. Cutting Photography Box Sides

Step 4: 2. Installation

By using wood glue up jig!

Step 5: 3. Labeling by Using Laser Cutter

Step 6: 4. Electronic Part

The LED light was glues to the outside edges, and programmed by sensor to work when an object was placed in front of it in a certain distance. (You can just copy & paste the codes to have same result)



const int trigger = 11; const int echo = 12; int distance; long duration;

void setup() {

pinMode (13, OUTPUT); pinMode (trigger, OUTPUT); pinMode (echo, INPUT); Serial.begin(9600);


void loop() { //At the beginning, the trigger must be set low digitalWrite(trigger, LOW); delayMicroseconds (2);

digitalWrite(trigger, HIGH); delayMicroseconds (10); digitalWrite(trigger, LOW);

//pulseIn function reads if a pin is either high or low //echo pin outputs the time it took the wave to hit the object and comeback in microseconds (us) duration = pulseIn (echo, HIGH);

//Speed of sound = 340m/s or 0.034cm/us

//Distance will be in
cm distance = duration * 0.034/2;

Serial.println("distance "); Serial.println(distance); delay(500);

if (distance <=45){

while (distance <=45) { digitalWrite(13,HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(trigger, LOW); delayMicroseconds (2);

digitalWrite(trigger, HIGH); delayMicroseconds (10); digitalWrite(trigger, LOW);

//pulseIn function reads if a pin is either high or low //echo pin outputs the time it took the wave to hit the object and comeback in microseconds (us) duration = pulseIn (echo, HIGH);

//Speed of sound = 340m/s or 0.034cm/us //Distance will be in cm distance = duration * 0.034/2;

Serial.println("distance "); Serial.println(distance);

} } else digitalWrite(13,LOW);

Step 7: 5. Installing LED Strips at the Edges From Outside Object

Step 8: 6. Installing Trash Wight Paper From Inside to Reduce the Brightness of LED Strips

Step 9: 7. Print Out Your Background Banner

46 cm * 80 cm

(Matt material, neutral colors) & then attach it to your box.