Introduction: Pipe Cleaner Action Men

About: Please comment and like. I love to hear the communities thoughts on my work. :)

Military dudes made out of pipe cleaners. Bobby pins used as weapons and pen cap as back pack. Plenty of more if you vote . Save money on action figures and make your own to aliens to guys .

Step 1: Tying

Take 2 pipe cleaners and twist to make the legs at the top you should have two ends

Step 2: The Head

Tie the tip , you should have a hole in the middle

Step 3: Head Continued

Ball the loop up like this you can add a googley eye for fun

Step 4: Arms and Weapons

Take a separate pipe cleaner and wrap one arm around the upper body . For weapon use a normal bobby pin , first ask mom .

Step 5: Applying and Accessories

Stick pipe cleaner mans arm are through back of bobby pin and meet the same arm. House hold items can be used. use your imagination .pen caps and other items can be used for backpack . Enjoy and save money.

Pocket Sized Contest

Participated in the
Pocket Sized Contest