Introduction: Pipe Tools, Garden Shovel

About: Dad and hubby, good food enthusiast, solar energy, boating, making stuff, melting stuff, and raising chickens.

I picked up some 10' pieces of 1.25" galvanized chain-link fence pipe for $1 each at a garage sale once. I can't believe how many uses these things have, from making a pole saw to making the shovel listed here. The walls of the pipe are sturdy but not too thick for easy working.

Garden Shovel

I used a hack saw, tin snips, a file, pliers and a hammer to make this shovel.

1 piece of 1.25" dia. galvanized fence pipe.
Maybe some duct tape for comfort.

Step 1: Mark and Cut Pipe

Mark a "T" like in the picture. Clamp the pipe and use a hack saw to cut the "T".
For the cross cut, don't go too far into the pipe or you'll lose strength in the tool.

Step 2: Bend and Shape

Open the pipe with some pliers and then a hammer to shape it a little.

Mark a "V" shape on the blade and cut however possible, I used tin snips.

Step 3: Clean and Make Pretty

File or grind the sharp edges and smooth it out.

Wrap the handle with duct tape for better grip.

Drill a hold in the handle for hanging on the wall or mounting to a longer wooden handle .