Introduction: Pocket Golf

About: Just a guy tinkering in his spare time

I had more supplies left so how about some pocket golf.


Copper Tubing
Gemstone (3mm bead)
Carpet Scraps
Altoids Tin

Step 1: Make the Golf Course

Cut a piece of the carpet that fits into the Altoids can.

Use a hole puncher to put a hole in the grass.

Glue the carpet down so that it does not come out.

Step 2: Make the Club

Cut off a long enough piece to make the club.

Bend the end of the tube to make the club head.

Smash the head with pliers, make sure to crush it hard enough to put the grooves in the head for appearance.

Step 3: Play Golf

Enjoy your set.

Make It Stick Contest 2

Participated in the
Make It Stick Contest 2

Pocket-Sized Contest

Participated in the
Pocket-Sized Contest

4th Epilog Challenge

Participated in the
4th Epilog Challenge