Introduction: Pond or Water Garden - How to Build a Backyard Pond

About: Landscaping my backyard since 2003.

Hello, since 6 years I built a big project: Pond or water garden on my backyard. I made a free guide to show how i did it. Here temperature can reach -43 F during winter season. For this reason i made a pond De-Icer system.

Detailed instructions: My Garden Pond

Free guide:

1. Delineate and dig
2. Installing the geotextile and EPDM pond liner
3. Fill the pond
4. Landscaping borders
5. Landscaping
6. Planting (coming soon)
7. Cold season (winter)
8. Water gardening tips for ponds projects
9. Fishs and fauna (coming soon)

Read more: All my water gardening projects

Youtube video: My Garden Pond

Instructions en français (french instructions): Construire un bassin extérieur