Introduction: Put Spray Paint in to Other Unsuspicious Cans

This for when you go tagging first the cans are way lighter less supicious and no one should question you.ITS QUIK,EASY,& Cheap

Step 1: Getting Supplies

Spray paint
empty axe can
A mechanical pencil
plastic bag
paper towels
nasil polish remover

Step 2: Taking the Pencil Apart

Disassemle the pencil and take the plastic tube that holds the lead

Cut no more than an inch off of the tube

Now you have a small tube

Step 3: Making the Tube

Now that you haave the small tube Get your lighter and melt one end

while it is still hot put the tube over the tube already on the axe can so that it can form its shape

Now take it off so that it can cool down and form

After it is cool cut the edges off of theother endso that it kind of looks like an arrow

Step 4: Filling Your Can

put the tube on top of the permanent ube and put the poiny end inside of the spray can

Get a bag of ice and put on the axe can this helps the process go quick

now keep canshorizontal and squeeze them togther
the paint should be flowing

Step 5: Shaking

shake the can every couple of minutes because you do not want it to over fill because paint will fly everywhere

Step 6: Your Done

now To make it look normal get some nail polish remover and clean the paint off of the sides

Step 7: It Does Work

this is my first instructable and i am 15 plz go easy on me thanks