Introduction: Quick and Easy Plant/Tree Repair

About: I like fishing, boating, and gardening as well as learning interesting ways to do things. This site is perfect for me because I like to "fiddle".

Move Over expensive plant repair kits! We got you covered here with items many folks can find in their shed...

Look at all those lovely plants...
As a Master Gardener, my yard isn't always the prettiest, but one thing for sure - I love my plants and spend a lot of time with them.

My back has been giving me problems over the past year or so and I was finally faced with the need to hire out my yard work, mainly my mowing and weedeating. I was very specific in showing the guys where all my plants were, and reiterated that I would not be happy if they killed my plants - yet my second-year Fig was one of several that they thought they would test the power of their weed-wackers with right before I told them their services would not be needed any longer.

Below is a series of photos where I will show the process I use to fix issues like this. Hover over the comment areas for specifics.