Introduction: Rainbow Loom Phone Case

About: I'm really fun and enjoy looming. I love my rainbow loom and making new things everyday. I like to be crafty, and love learning new things.. Enjoy sharing my ideas and creations! :). Check me out on YouTube, l…

Step 1:

So, your most likely thinking if this will fit your phone. I have an I phone, it fits mine perfectly. But it will probably will fit your phone too because it is made of rubber bands and they stretch! :)

Step 2:

This was a phone case I made by using a tutorial on YouTube. Craft life is the channel, make sure to use her revised video, because these are hard to make and she goes slow in her revised video. So all credit to young Jacey!

Step 3:

So, I mistakenly messed up on the top as you can see, but I saved it. I'd rather have it look a bit funny than not have it at all. 5 hours can you believe it! Also mistakenly I left a hole in it, perfect for my home button. The arrow points to the top were I messed up. The circle is around the home button hole if you couldn't tell we're it was.

Step 4: Reminder, How To

Remember to go to YouTube. Look up craft life, the channel. Look up their video, revised rainbow loom phone case, make sure it is the revised version. Thanks for viewing! :). Shoutout to jacey from craft life , your so young and talented, thanks for sharing this video with us!

Step 5:

Add charms to the loop on top of your phone case, my fav a butterfly! If you live my butterfly look at my pictorial in my instructables section!