Introduction: Remove Moss From Cement Without Chemicals or a Pressure Washer

My yard has lots of trees overhanging the sidewalk. All the shade makes the section of cement in front of my house a prime area for moss to grow. There are lots of ways to remove moss but a lot of them involve using chemicals or a pressure washer, both of which I don't have access to.

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Step 1: Materials


wire brush
flat shovel
gardening knife, NOTE: Use something else if you dont want it to get dull.


water, (A hose if convenient.)

NOTE: Keep in mind that everything besides the wire brush can be substituted out for something similar.

Step 2: Start Cleaning

Start by getting rid of the thicker stuff, this is by virtue the easiest part to get rid of. Use the shovel to get rid of most of it (this will be loud) and use the knife to get rid of some of the tougher and thinner stuff. If this is hard try getting some water and pour it on the moss, this should help loosen it up. 

Step 3: Deeper Cleaning

Now once you've gotten rid of the big stuff use the wire brush to go over the part you just cleaned and the parts that are thinner. After one or two passes you should see the moss disappear and see the dirt under it, keep brushing until you dont see dirt anymore (Once your done there will be some dirt on it but it shouldn't be stuck on to the cement).

Step 4: Finishing Up

Now take the broom and sweep away all the exes dirt on the cement, and your done. If you want the cement to look a little nicer than you can use water to wash some of the dirt away that you couldn't sweep away.