Introduction: Replace Battery in Nike+ Sensor

About: Learning on the fly and finding solutions for my issues

Good news everyone :)

I bought a Nike sensor a long time ago, with the promise that I would start running/walking more often and be able to track my progress. Turns out I didn't use it and when I finally decide to give it a try the sensor was dead already. :(

Not willing to buy a new one ($20.00) value I decide to search for options.

This instructables offers my take on replacing the battery of the Nike sensor.

Disclaimer: few of the pictures are not mine and I will provider the proper credit.

Please don't forget to rate this instructables if you like it. Thank you

Step 1: Disassemble the Sensor

The way I did was using a X-acto knife to open the sensor, be careful not to cut yourself, this is a task that takes time and patience. Since I didnt take pictures during this part of the process I am using someone's else pictures.

Step 2: The Idea

Ok, since I already got the sensor open, it is time to present my idea.

I was wondering whether I was going to put a new battery back and close again or if I wanted to have the means to replace it again in the future. So I decided to do it in a way that I would be able to replace the battery without having to open the sensor again.

After some research I decided to use this battery holder:

Step 3: The Execution

Let's go to whats matter :)

After removing the battery I glued the sensor to the case with electrical tape;
I also remove the battery contacts, leaving only the wires;
I drill a small hole to the top of the case, where the wires will come of the sensor;
Glued the battery holder and solder the batter wires to it;

At this point the sensor was already working but I had to address the wires.

Step 4: Protecting the Wires

If there is one thing I really like is how awesome hot glue is. I have been doing a lot of projects that I used hot glue to protect wires.

Same thing here :)

Using some electrical tape I made a "mold" to pour the hot glue. Atter that, let it dry and trim the edges.

Step 5: Final Produtc

Ok, I still need to buy some shrink tube, to cover everything but the battery but it's ok at this point :)

Thank you for looking.


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