Introduction: Subterranean Water Reservoir Planter

About: From a DIY enthusiast to a DIY gardener 🍓

How to water less your planter.

Step 1: Items

Items for Subterranean Water Reservoir

    1. 1 planter pot
    2. 1/2 cup of Water Gel / Beads
    3. 1 ice cream cap

    Step 2: The Cap

    Put the cap upside down inside the pot

    Step 3: The Beads

    Transfer the beads and put it on the cap.

    Step 4: The Planter

    Then you can put the dirt and plant your favorite plant...

    Step 5: Video...

    See the video.

    Full Spectrum Laser Contest 2016

    Participated in the
    Full Spectrum Laser Contest 2016