Introduction: Simple Robot Claw

This project is a simple robot claw that could be added to many robotics projects. It is meant to show a basic geometry and to give people a head start on building a claw to meet their project's needs.

This model was 3D printed on an UP! machine, but should work just as well on a Makerbot, RepRap, or other such device.

Step 1: Necessary Tools and Materials

The only materials needed to build this are a few pieces of hardware and a little bit of ABS (or PLA) plastic. Specifically:

- 8x M4 screws (length of about 14mm)
- 8x M4 nuts
- 4x small washers to fit M4 screws
- available spool of plastic

The main tool needed is a 3D ptinter. However, the parts could probably be adapted to to work with a laser cutter since they are all 2D planar extrusions. Besides your tool of choice for the plastic pieces, all you should need is a screwdriver to assemble the claw.

Step 2: 3D Printed Parts

The assembly of pieces should be fairly self-explanatory based on the pictures in the first page. The shaft pieces are jammed onto the screws to act as a simple bearing, reducing the friction of each joint by letting plastic slide on plastic. A pair of "ShaftShort" pieces are used at joints that hold two pieces together. Pairs of "ShaftTall" pieces are reserved for joints where three pieces are held together.

Washers are added where the "MainGear" pieces connect to further reduce friction.

The quantity needed for each piece is listed below:

2x Claw.STL
1x MainBody.STL
1x MainGear_LEFT.STL
1x MainGear_RIGHT.STL
8x ShaftShort.STL
8x ShaftTall.STL
4x SupportLink.STL

3D Design Contest

Participated in the
3D Design Contest