Introduction: Simple Conversion of VW T4 Caravelle 9 Seats in a Campervan

The conversion must be simple and rapidly reversible allowing the use as a car for all year and like a camper-van during holiday

Step 1: Easy Camper Van Conversion (VW T4 Caravelle 2500 TDI )

The idea make an easy way to convert Volkswagen t4 caravelle in a camper van..... easy to re convert from campervan to 9 people bus.

It must be easy to convert and easy to revert...

Step 2: Making the Bed Structure

From minibus 9 seats (3+3+3 seats) to 2 people bed a little kitchen a table and mini chem WC.

The bed closed lie on the rear of 3 places rear seats, without change the internal structure.

In Italy minibus must be drive without bed, kitchens, table Is allow only baggage! not fixed structures

is allow only remove some seats to obtain more space for baggage.

to realize the bed base I use betulla ply wood painted with blue water enamel.

Step 3: Make the Swivel Driver Seat

I reuse a swivel base from an other camper-van adapted to caravelle main seat

Step 4: Make the Curtains

The curtains was realized cutting with right shape cheap reflecting car sun shade

Step 5:

Step 6: The Campervan in Use

The camper van now is in use for first time

Step 7: Making the All in One Camping Box

Military Aluminium box as Baggage for camper-van

The box is also a base for the bed structure a table inside a cooking place to cook and prepare meat

Now I need a right dimension box with all I need during the camping holiday

First eating|

- lantern (led)

- gas stove

- two or three pots (one for spaghetti)

- (Italian) coffee machine

- dishes

- glasses

- cutlery

- knives

- electric cable

- electric heather

- curtains

Step 8: Make 2places Swivel Seat

The swivel base from a 3mm iron foil built with fewer holes cuts and welds possible

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